Wednesday, 22 May 2013

God and Tragedy

 The devastation in Oklahoma is horrifying.  We look at it and weep.  At least most of us do.  Being far away from the Christian Right theologically and being somewhat removed from their US base physically, I usually hear about their machinations later.  Apparently some are already blaming the OK tragedy on the victims for their godlessness, etc.  For more on those specifics, read the article by Rachel Held Evans on Abusive Theology.

Tragedies like the OK tornado always bring up questions about the nature of God.  'If God is good, then why do bad things happen?' This and similar questions abound.  I have often been asked this question in smaller context about things like a family member dying unexpectedly, or some other personal tragedy.  
  The easiest, simplest, and most direct answer is 'I don't know.'  But that is the beginning of a conversation, not the end to it. Though the above answer is literally the truth, it is very unsatisfying for the victims or bereaved. What we [The Church] do know is that we are to stand with those who suffer tragedy and to help them heal physically, emotionally and spiritually - to help them to continue to experience the Love of God or to introduce them to it.  As I have mentioned before , Jesus gives one commandment in the Gospel of John [13:34]: Love one another.  At a time of tragedy this commandment is important for what it doesn't say, too -- Do not seek explanations, do not blame victims, do not blame God.  Just love, help, comfort.  This is the Ministry of the Church.  For those of us far away, we help by helping the helpers with donations and prayers.  There will be a time for explanations, for prevention, for assessment, but that time is not now.  Now we help heal.

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