Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Hazards of Ministry

In every ministry situation there are hazards.  Some are larger than others.  Some are easily seen, whereas others stay hidden for a long time, until they leap out full-blown.

Here is one that was certainly unexpected, though not surprising when discovered -- a 6-foot Anaconda in the ditch in front of Ebenezer, found by the workers cleaning the ditch.  The parsonage is directly behind the man's left shoulder.  

One can only wonder what it's been eating that allowed it to get that large in the location where it was found.  There are always animals on the roads in Guyana - but usually they are donkeys and goats and cows.  The anaconda brings to mind the fact that we are not in some rural place in North America, but we are truly in South America.  The ministry is much the same as it would be anywhere, but some of the hazards are a bit different.

Still, the Pastor is expected to conquer all. 

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