2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
We mourn the death of Pastor William Gustafson, known to all as Pastor Gus. I only knew Gus for a short time, since we moved to Nova Scotia, but we had much in common. We shared a birthday - March 14 - with Albert Einstein, but I only found out this past year, too late to celebrate jointly with Gus [or Albert]. We both grew up in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and both left as our understanding of the Gospel began to diverge from that of the LCMS. We both were born as Americans, but found a home in Canada. Gus' trip to Nova Scotia was a bit shorter than mine - he coming from Mass., I from Saskatchewan. We both enjoyed single malt Scotch, though unfortunately, never together. He was an avid hunter, which I am not, but as a camper I enjoyed hearing his stories of his woodland exploits. Though I consider myself somewhat a computer geek, he never used a computer, nor, I suspect, even a cell phone.
Gus retired only a few short months ago, and came to worship at Zion in Lunenburg before we left for parts South. We would often eat lunch together at Tim Horton's along with others recently come from worship, sometimes talking till late into the afternoon.
Gus was known as an expert of sorts on some topics - of note recently was his understanding of the papacy. One of the last conversations with him that I was part of was when he was asked at the last Bishop's Conference what he thought of the prospects for the new Pope [the conclave was yet to be commenced]. Though he did not predict the 'winner', I do not think he would have been displeased with Pope Francis.
Gus was known as an expert of sorts on some topics - of note recently was his understanding of the papacy. One of the last conversations with him that I was part of was when he was asked at the last Bishop's Conference what he thought of the prospects for the new Pope [the conclave was yet to be commenced]. Though he did not predict the 'winner', I do not think he would have been displeased with Pope Francis.
Gus was a quiet man. Not that he didn't talk; he did that quite freely, but he seldom raised his voice. Though he was quiet, that did not mean he wasn't passionate. I recall a time at Camp Mush-a-Mush when someone said that there were no good Advent hymns: both Gus and I started naming hymns that we knew and loved and spoke to us both of the joys of Advent. Passion was there if not volume.
And so Gus has joined the Church Triumphant: He has fought the good fight; he has finished the race; but most importantly, he has kept the faith.
God, the generations rise and pass away before you. you are the strength of those who labour, you are the rest of the blessed dead. We rejoice in the company of your saints. We remember all who have lived in faith, all who have peacefully died.
We remember Pastor Gus.
And so Gus has joined the Church Triumphant: He has fought the good fight; he has finished the race; but most importantly, he has kept the faith.
God, the generations rise and pass away before you. you are the strength of those who labour, you are the rest of the blessed dead. We rejoice in the company of your saints. We remember all who have lived in faith, all who have peacefully died.
We remember Pastor Gus.
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